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The Hottest Machine Learning Jobs will Need you to Know These Programming Languages and Tools

Increasingly, Indian businesses are grappling with the increase in automation to pursue candidates who are specialized in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Such high demand is also a low supply factor. In India less than 10% of data scientists are estimated to be available worldwide. In India, there are up to 97,000 job opportunities for Data Science, Analyst and Machine Learning professionals.

The programming languages - R, Python and SQL (Structured Query Language) are the most widely used languages in the job market, according to a recent survey by Analytics India magazine and Imarticus Learning.

Click here to enroll for Machine Learning Certification Course!

Programming is a key characteristic of machine learning. After all, machine learning algorithms and machine learning applications are written and constructed using languages for programming. Nevertheless, the question is often confusing, "Which are the best Machine Learning programming languages?

Many machine learning, artificial intelligence and data science professionals must select a language to execute their projects. Technology discussion forums are filled with questions regarding how to choose the appropriate language, and many can find equally varied responses. Here is an introduction to some of the most common programming languages used for Machine Learning algorithms by developers and programmers.


In the technology and programming community, Python is exceptionally popular. It is an open-source, highly dynamic language, which supports object-oriented, mandatory functional and procedural paradigms. Python programming has a range of good libraries and tools for Machine Learning such as Scikit Learn and TensorFlow, ChatterBot and many more.

The common Python toolkits for machinery learning include Pandas, Scikit-learn and Pybrain. Scipy is used in scientific computing, TensorFlow and Pytorch were helpful in deep learning and OpenCV is used to recognize the objects. They are easy to deploy and can be used with a GNU license. Enroll in Python Certification for learning this amazing programming language.

To Read More, Click Machine Learning Certification Course in Delhi!


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